Once the required auctioneer training is completed, it’s time to put your new skills and knowledge to work and start making money. There are many avenues for auctioneers to pursue. Many pursue auctioneer job openings with auction companies around their local area, state and country. Other auctioneers choose to pursue auctioneer jobs by starting their own auction company, while others succeed at doing both.

Successful tools and tactics to use when looking for auctioneer job openings are:

  • Joining the National Auctioneers Association where you can access their online job postings and network with companies with openings for auctioneers and other auction related positions.
  • Joining state auction associations and networking with other auctioneers and auction companies.
  • Connecting with auctioneers in your local area who may need your services or can help recommend you to someone who does.
  • Participating in bid-calling contests to showcase your skills.

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